"Our mission is to provide an authentic, transparent, and inclusive experience for a diverse audience."

Deville Burns

Deville Burns Profile Photo


Deville Burns is an Event Production mogul and the creative force behind iconic events in Dallas. He is trusted for his unparalleled execution in curating events that not only speak the minds of his clients but also surpass their expectations. Regardless of the event’s scale, Deville goes the extra mile to create unforgettable experiences for his audience. His portfolio includes custom brand events, marketing campaigns, album releases, concerts, fashion shows, night-club events and much more.

In part of growing in excellence, he founded his Events company, Big League Market Group (BLMG), in 2021, as a hub for creating and managing an array of high specification events. BLMG is a leading marketing and promotions brand that stands on the shoulders of passionate people equipped with valuable skills, experience, and resources. Over the years, Deville has built solid networks and a reputation for service delivery to his clients, ranging from organizations to artists. Notably, Deville has been a significant player in the Dallas Entertainment scene, especially in keeping the vibrancy of the city’s nightlife. He is focused on ensuring that BLMG continues soaring, remains true to its mission and supports the entertainment community. For Deville, the bottom line is to make people happy.

Besides BLMG, Deville has diversified into other ventures, including Pixeluxxe Design Agency, Oakcliff Brokers, Capo Lounge and Asherah Swimwear.

BLMG is on a mission to provide innovative, value-added events solutions and carve a niche as an industry leader.

Dec. 1, 2021

"Big League"(Deville Burns)

Sponsored by Anchor also in partnership with Pandora. Ray Ray's Podcast is back from the 18th floor of Hello Studios. On this episode we talk with Deville Burns (@devilleburns) Owner of Big League Marketing Group (@bigleaguem...
Guest: Deville Burns